A Family Law Firm In Buffalo Helping Parents Seek Or Block Custody Modifications
Arriving at a workable child custody arrangement can indicate a healthy adjustment to life after a divorce or separation. Children may find it challenging to alternate between two households, but they can also enjoy the benefits of having regular access to both parents. If all goes well, parents and children can adapt to the rhythm and enjoy life together on a predictable schedule.
The attorneys and staff at Mattingly Cavagnaro LLP provide valuable information and guidance to parents who need to petition for modifications of child custody orders or object when the other parent makes such a request.
Circumstances Leading To Child Custody Modification Petitions
What happens when a parent needs a different child custody order for reasons having to do with work, school or a change in family situations? It may become difficult or impossible for a parent to continue the established child custody arrangement. Issues that often require changes in custody agreements include:
- A dramatically altered work schedule
- A medical crisis
- A military deployment
- A natural disaster
- A move to another city or state
- A need to care for elderly parents out of the area
- Remarriage
Significant lifestyle changes can make an existing custody order unmanageable. With careful thought and adaptation, a child custody modification can preserve parental rights as well as the best interests of the child. The lawyers at Mattingly Cavagnaro LLP have 40 combined years of experience practicing family law. They have helped many parents find solutions when child custody orders had become unworkable or when their children’s other parents sought to interrupt their parent-child relationships with a move.
Get Help And A Solution
The goal of finding a modification order that both parents and the court will agree to is achievable in most cases. You can turn to the legal team at Mattingly Cavagnaro LLP for direction with reassurance. To schedule a consultation, call 716-246-4275 or send an email inquiry.